How do I export gant charts to excel



I want to export the highlevel view from the microsoft project gant chart to
a powerpoint presentation. Any ideas?


There is a little camera icon on the toolbar.
Click it and determine what you want to show.
Set it for "Screen" rather than print (if you choose print and have a
black/white printer it will save a black and white version)
Then click OK. It should copy to the clipboard, then go to powerpoint and
choose paste.



You can try the brute force way. Set your Gantt chart up on the screen,
then hold the Alt key as you press the PrintScreen key (prt sc). This places
a bit map copy of your active page on the clipboard. Use Paint to then
select only what you need and then paste that result where every you need it.
Works with anything, but creates bitmaps. If you have other graphics
programs, you can paste the bitmap in there first aand try to save it as a
jpeg. Saves some space.



With the full version of Adobe you can convert the timeline view into a pdf
doc, then use the graphic select tool in Adobe to copy the view and drop into
the presentation.


Here is a macro I wrote to copy MS Project screens to PowerPoint slides.
Copy it to a MSP macro module. You can assign a shortcut key for quick

Sub Copy2PP()
' By RNM
' 3-Aug-2004
Dim objPPT As New PowerPoint.Application
objPPT.Presentations.Add WithWindow:=msoTrue
Set myProj = ActiveProject
Set ts = myProj.Tasks
TaskCnt = ts.Count
For Each t In ActiveSelection.Tasks
Scnt = Scnt + 1
Next t
TaskCnt = Scnt
' should be view count NOT task count
ProjectTitle = myProj.Title
LPP = InputBox("Task Line per Page:", , 40)
If LPP = "" Then LPP = 40
LPP = CInt(LPP) - 1
TopLine = 1
pagecnt = 0
Do Until TopLine > TaskCnt
pagecnt = pagecnt + 1
SelectRow Row:=TopLine, Height:=LPP, rowrelative:=False
'If pagecnt = 1 Then
' EditCopyPicture ' Object:=False, ForPrinter:=0, SelectedRows:=1,
FromDate:="12/1/02 12:00 AM", ToDate:="2/1/06 12:00 AM",
EditCopyPicture Object:=False, forPrinter:=0, SelectedRows:=1,
'End If

With objPPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
SlideNo = .Count + 1
.Add Index:=SlideNo, Layout:=ppLayoutTitleOnly
End With

'-=-- Paste schedule into slide ---
With objPPT.ActivePresentation.Slides(SlideNo)
'With objPres.Slides(SlideNo)
.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteEnhancedMetafile
.Shapes(2).Left = 30
.Shapes(2).Top = 50
.Shapes(2).Width = 650
'.Height = 400
.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.text = ProjectTitle
.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18
.Shapes.Title.Left = 30
.Shapes.Title.Top = 10
.Shapes.Title.Width = 650
.Shapes.Title.Height = 50
End With

TopLine = TopLine + LPP + 1
MsgBox "Copy Complete"

End Sub

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