how do I fill a online Ads and store on web page itself to see oth


Publish advocate

Hi, I am new with this product (Publisher 2003), I saw some webcast and now
familiar, I want to create a free community where people can help each other,
do the Publisher 2003 has that feature ?
if yes please help help me out how to do that.

I want to create one page where anyone can create their Ads and save to web
page itself so others can see and reply back to Ads creator.

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I am by no means an expert, but I suspect that what you want to do is beyond
the scope of Publisher, which is primarily as desktop publishing application
with the ability to produce HTML code. I believe the standard wording used
by Publisher gurus is that the application is fine for producing simple,
static web pages, but not much beyond that.

If you have additional questions, please post them in the
microsoft.public.publisher.webdesign newsgroup.


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

waaayyyy beyond the scope of what Publisher can produce for web
fact you're looking at some heavy design & database solution...probably
custom stuff.

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