Publish advocate
Hi, I am new with this product (Publisher 2003), I saw some webcast and now
familiar, I want to create a free community where people can help each other,
do the Publisher 2003 has that feature ?
if yes please help help me out how to do that.
I want to create one page where anyone can create their Ads and save to web
page itself so others can see and reply back to Ads creator.
Similar to craigslist.com & miindia.com
familiar, I want to create a free community where people can help each other,
do the Publisher 2003 has that feature ?
if yes please help help me out how to do that.
I want to create one page where anyone can create their Ads and save to web
page itself so others can see and reply back to Ads creator.
Similar to craigslist.com & miindia.com