How do I fill adjacent cells with incrementing numbers



I want to fill in adjacent cells whether downwards, upwards, or sideways with
numbers that increment by one.

for example: P5-10-A200-00

I want to increment by 1, for each adjacent cell without having to type in
the whole sets of numbers.
i. e. P5-10-A200-00, P5-10-A201-00, P5-10-A202-00 and so on and so forth.
Is there a way to do this? Currently I find that excel increment only the
last digit.

Mike H


One way for you to consider is to enter your first number like this

="P5-10-" &ROW(A200)&"-00"

And drag down.



Dear Mike,

Thanks for the reply. Is there any other way? The reason is when I did
what your advise, it shows only P0081-51-285-00
when i type below in excel. The A is missing.



David Biddulph

The A is missing because it wasn't included in the text string in your
formula. Look again at your formula, and what it is asking for. Modify the
formula appropriately.

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