How do I fill out an invitation I have scanned so I can e-mail it?


Bea Bea

I would like to e-mail an ivitation to friends the same as the invitation I
am hand writing. I want to scan the invitation into the computer. Fill it
out and e-mail it. I have Microsoft Office and am useing Outlook Express.

Don MI

Bea Bea said:
I would like to e-mail an ivitation to friends the same as the invitation I
am hand writing. I want to scan the invitation into the computer. Fill
out and e-mail it. I have Microsoft Office and am useing Outlook Express.

If I understand you correctly, you prefer to have an invitation in your
handwriting and modify it for each person using your computer. When you
scan the invitation into your computer, it will scan as a image. You can
add specific information to the image by adding text in say a script font
{or any font you desire}, but it will not look like your handwriting. If
that is what you want, you can use any image editing program to add the
text. Word image editing will work as will paint or any image editing
program you have.

If you want to have the invitation look as close to writing it out for each
person and if there are not too many {your judgment}, what I suggest you do
is hand write the invitation laving blanks to fill out and then scan it into
Word. Then print as many copies as you desire from Word and manually fill in
the blanks. The use Outlook for your email using HTML format {not text}.
Scan each invitation into an email for the person you desire. The
invitation will appear in the body of the email. Outlook express does not
support scanning so you cannot use it.

Sorry, if I did not understand your intent from your post.


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