NAIT Instructor
I am making a assignment for one of my classes. It
consists of two parts, one piece is a scale (part "A"),
the mating part I am hoping will fit over the top of it
(Part "B"). The problem is part "B" is a odd shape, I
drew it using the line tool on the standard tool bar.
This part is closed all the way around the perimeter. How
do I make it opaque so that part "A" is not visible when
I bring part "B" to the front?
consists of two parts, one piece is a scale (part "A"),
the mating part I am hoping will fit over the top of it
(Part "B"). The problem is part "B" is a odd shape, I
drew it using the line tool on the standard tool bar.
This part is closed all the way around the perimeter. How
do I make it opaque so that part "A" is not visible when
I bring part "B" to the front?