How do I find and add more shapes for word 2007



I would like to search for and add new shapes in word 2007. I can find help
on the mircosoft website bit it tells me to open the shapes window from the
view menu. I can't find the view menu or the shapes window anywhere? its
driving me round the bend can anyone help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There are no menus in Word 2007, but even previous versions don't have a
Shapes item on the View menu. There is an AutoShapes menu on the Drawing
toolbar in earlier versions, the last entry of which is More AutoShapes...
Clicking on that brings up the Clip Art task pane with shapes displayed.

There is a View tab in Word 2007, but it doesn't contain shapes. The only
place I find shapes is in the Shapes gallery on the Insert tab.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Pink Lady,

The View=>Shapes Window menu item is part of MS Office Visio 2007, rather than shapes in MS Office Word 2007. MS Office Visio is the 'shape based' diagramming
tool in the Office Product family. You can try it online from the link above (if you have an online connection faster than dialup).

In Word 2007 you can use Insert=>Clipart and then search on 'autoshape' and the online results will include the shapes that appeared
in previous Word versions using the 'more shapes' choice that Suzanne mentioned, but you won't be able to add shapes to the Word
2007 Insert=>Illustrations=>Shape Gallery
although you can add them to one of the Building Block galleries, after you insert the shape from the clipart pane into a document
and using

Insert=>Text=>Quickparts=>Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.

When saving you can choose a different Gallery, such as 'Custom 1' and/or add a new Category, such as 'Autoshape' to hold your
collection of custom shapes.

I would like to search for and add new shapes in word 2007. I can find help
on the mircosoft website bit it tells me to open the shapes window from the
view menu. I can't find the view menu or the shapes window anywhere? its
driving me round the bend can anyone help. >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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