How do I find meaningful file properties in Excel 2007?



I am an instructor at a community college. My students send me (hopefully)
completed Word 2007 and Excel 2007 files as part of their homework
assignments. The files originate as partially completed exercise files where
students fully complete the exercise based on directions of their books. On
occasion, I receive what appears to be duplicated or copied homework. The
advanced properties portion of Word 2007 seems to be somewhat friendly when
analyzing for duplicates regarding creation date, time spent, etc. Excel
2007 does not appear to offer any information regarding these items or to
check to see if homework has been duplicated in its document properties or
advanced document properties sections. Are there other ways to check for

Bernard Liengme

When I had this situation, I has a macro that placed the user's name in a
hidden sheet every time the file was opened. My method was for a network so
I knew the user-names but now everyone has a personal PC it might not help
as much.
Did you hear about the Phil prof who had two students who missed a quiz
because of a flat tire, or so they claimed. He gave them a make-up quiz in
separate rooms. One question only: which tire?
best wishes

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