My data is filled with quote marks as an abbreviation for the inch
measurement. This creates a problem when I import my data to Quickbooks
which gets confused by the " character and still interpretes it as an end of
text character. In the past this really messed up the import, today
Quickbooks just drops the " from the import. How to I search and replace all
"s with the word inch so I can retain the inch specification in my data. I
have tried surrounding the " character with "s and this does not seem to work.
measurement. This creates a problem when I import my data to Quickbooks
which gets confused by the " character and still interpretes it as an end of
text character. In the past this really messed up the import, today
Quickbooks just drops the " from the import. How to I search and replace all
"s with the word inch so I can retain the inch specification in my data. I
have tried surrounding the " character with "s and this does not seem to work.