How do I find & replace quote marks with the word inch?



My data is filled with quote marks as an abbreviation for the inch
measurement. This creates a problem when I import my data to Quickbooks
which gets confused by the " character and still interpretes it as an end of
text character. In the past this really messed up the import, today
Quickbooks just drops the " from the import. How to I search and replace all
"s with the word inch so I can retain the inch specification in my data. I
have tried surrounding the " character with "s and this does not seem to work.


Teethless mama

Highlight your range
Go to Edit > Replace > Find What: "inch" > Replace with: inch

icetoad hisself

Try Cntrl F, which brings up the find window. Choose the Replace tab. Fill
in the find box with ", and the replace box with Inches. Click on find all.
Make sure there aren't any " characters you don't want replaced, if not then
click on replace all.

David Biddulph

Find and replace works for me, so I guess that you haven't got the standard
" symbol (CHAR(34)).
If your symbol is the nth character in cell A1, you can find out what
character it is with =CODE(A1,MID(A1,n,1)). Other similar symbols include
characters 147 & 148 for left & right "smart quotes".
You can then do =SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(x),"inch").

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