how do I find the equation of a line using a scatter plot?



I am taking a chem lab and right now we are studying rate laws using
kenetics. we had to graph the results of our experiment and then find the
equation of the line. such as y=mx+b but i cant fiugre out how to do it. or
if i am supposed to put a trend line in the graph, but if that is what I am
supposed to do how do I find the equation of it?

Bernard Liengme

First: to make trendline. Right click on the data in the chart; use Add
trendline; specify Linear; on Options tab, check shoe equation

Secondly:To get slope and intercept:
Let's say you x-values are in A2:A11 and y-values in B2:B11
for slope use formula =SLOPE(A2:A11, B2:B11)
for intercept use INTERCEPT(A2:A11, B2:B11)

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