How do I fix this formula?



How do I fix this formula
enter your remarks for 3's and less","")" so if the cell is either blank or
"0", then neither of the remarks will appear?

K Dales

You could do it by adding a couple ANDs along with more ORs but YIKES!
Use an array formula (i.e. use shift-ctrl-enter after you type it):
=IF(SUM((B12:K12<=3)+(B12:K12=0)+ISBLANK(B12:K12))>0,"Please enter your
This makes three arrays for your 3 conditions: any one that is true gives a
1 in that position (otherwise 0, numeric equivalents of true/false). Add
them together element by element to combine the results and if none are true
you have all zeros - anything else means at least one condition violated.
Now add the elements together and get the overall result: again, if any
condition was not true you will get something other than zero.

Tom Ogilvy

So if which cell is either blank or zero. You are working with 10 cells.

If the cells will either have a number (including zero) or have a blank,
Possibly if you mean none of the cells have anything other than blanks or
zero, then

=if(Or(Count(B12:K12)=0,Sum(B12:K12)=0),"",current formula)

Tom Ogilvy

Another possibility is that you don't want to show a message unless all
cells contain a value greater than 0 and are not blank

=If(countif(B12:K12,">0")<10,"",current formula)


Re the previous post: I believe the following works - the "*" is an AND
Condition [whereas the + is an OR condition]. Blanks are treated as zeros:

Enter as an array formula

=IF(SUM((B12:K12<=3)*(B12:K12>0)),"Please enter your remarks...","")

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