How do I force a dialog box when I click on the printer icon?



When I click on the printer icon, Word prints the whole document. I would
like it to open a dialog box such as when you choose file, print. Does
anyone know how to do this?

Jay Freedman

SharonJ said:
When I click on the printer icon, Word prints the whole document. I
would like it to open a dialog box such as when you choose file,
print. Does anyone know how to do this?

(Presuming Word 2003 or earlier...)

Open the Tools > Customize dialog and click the Commands tab. Select the
File category, and scroll down the Commands list. You'll see two items with
the same icon -- one says "Print..." and the other says "Print" without the
three dots. Grab the one that does have the dots and drag it to a toolbar.
That one opens the Print dialog.

You may want to remove the existing Print button to avoid confusion -- just
drag it off the toolbar (while the Customize dialog is still open) and drop
it in the document area, and it will disappear. An alternative is to
right-click one of the two Print buttons, choose either Change Button Image
or Edit Button Image, and alter it so you can tell which button belongs to
which function.

I assume you don't have Word 2007 because it doesn't have a Print button on
the Quick Access Toolbar by default. If my assumption is wrong, right-click
the toolbar and choose Customize, set the category to Office Menu, select
the Print command, and click the Add button. (In this version, the command
that immediately prints the whole document is called Quick Print.)

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Peter A

When I click on the printer icon, Word prints the whole document. I would
like it to open a dialog box such as when you choose file, print. Does
anyone know how to do this?

The whole point of the printer icon is to print the whole document using
the default printer.

Is hitting Ctrl+P or selecting File, Print really such a hassle? If so,
add another icon to the toolbar and map it to File, Print.


It's just that I also use WordPerfect and I am so used to clicking on the
printer icon and having it open a dialog box, that I just automatically do it
when using Word. Thanks for your help.

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