How do I force a users browser to load most recently edited page?


Earl Kurburski

How do I force users bowser to reload newest version of a page? I am
using FrontPage2003 and update my pages sometimes 3 and 4 times a week.
Viewers complain that they are seeing the same old info because they
don't relize they need to hit the refresh button on their browser. How
can I have the page check to see if it's a newer version than the one in
cache and force the browser to load the newer page?


Earl Kurburski said:
How do I force users bowser to reload newest version of a page? I am
using FrontPage2003 and update my pages sometimes 3 and 4 times a week.
Viewers complain that they are seeing the same old info because they don't
relize they need to hit the refresh button on their browser. How can I
have the page check to see if it's a newer version than the one in cache
and force the browser to load the newer page?

After each change rename your default file from index.htm to index.html to
default.htm to default.html, and so on.

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