I have a form that ask for a date. This date is then used to print at the
top of a report in the following line: TODAY, (Date), AT 9:30 AM. In the
control source for the text box I typed in "TODAY, "&Format([Date],"MMMM d"",
""yyyy")&", AT 9:30 AM". By typing the "MMMM" in capitals I thought that the
month then would print in capitals but this turned out not to be the case.
How do I get the month to print in capitals?
top of a report in the following line: TODAY, (Date), AT 9:30 AM. In the
control source for the text box I typed in "TODAY, "&Format([Date],"MMMM d"",
""yyyy")&", AT 9:30 AM". By typing the "MMMM" in capitals I thought that the
month then would print in capitals but this turned out not to be the case.
How do I get the month to print in capitals?