How do I format a reply form for an e-mail document in Publisher?


Clinical Trials OM

Using Publisher 2003 & Outlook 2003. I'm attempting to format a training
brochure that will be e-mailed to a large group of people. I'd like for them
to have the ability to complete the registration form on the e-mail they
receive and e-mail it back to me - but I'm not sure if this is possible. At
the very least, I'd like for them to be able to print out the entire e-mail,
complete the form and fax it to me, but I've found that depending upon who it
is sent to and what version and type of e-mail program they use, it either
won't print at all, prints very fuzzy, or prints with many items missing.
Can any of this be accomplished with my limited knowledge of Publisher?

David Bartosik [MSFT MVP]

Using Publisher 2003 & Outlook 2003. I'm attempting to format a training
brochure that will be e-mailed to a large group of people. I'd like for
to have the ability to complete the registration form on the e-mail they
receive and e-mail it back to me - but I'm not sure if this is possible.

no. a form needs to reside on a server and is processed by the server.

the very least, I'd like for them to be able to print out the entire
complete the form and fax it to me, but I've found that depending upon who
is sent to and what version and type of e-mail program they use, it either
won't print at all, prints very fuzzy, or prints with many items missing.

true. HTML email is at the mercy of the receiving client. just like how a
web page renders is in the hands of the client browser. Publisher html code
is inherently more complex which adds to the compatibility issues.

Can any of this be accomplished with my limited knowledge of Publisher?

The best result will be achieved by using plain text email rather then html

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

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