How do I format with footers?



I have Microsoft Word 2003.

Here is my problem:
I have a letterhead I have created. To get my footer just so, with a line
and stuff, I had to move my margins on that ruler thing at the top way out.
Now when I type my text is way out too. How do I get to keep the footer
margins way out and get the text to be at one inch and a quarter inch on the
left side and one inch on the right side? I have the ruler at the top set at
1/4" on each side to accomodate my footer. If this is difficult to understand
I could email the document to you.


Thank you. I don't know why I have such a hard time understanding those
articles. It didn't seem to help me though. Is there anyway to just change my
letter, the part that I write in to different margins even though I have the
header and footer set farther out? The reason that I ask is, the document
seems to help me create a letterhead, but I already have one created, that
took me a lot of time and I had asked for your help before with a line. I
don't want to have to totally recreate it again.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Sorry, I misunderstood your question. You don't want to change the margins;
you want to change the paragraph indents. Leave the margins at 1.25" for the
entire document, then, in the header and footer, go to Format Paragraph and
enter a negative amount for the left and right indents (or drag the
indent--not margin--markers on the ruler).

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