How do I get a embedded code for a Picture I made?



How do I Generate a embedded code in Frontpage for a Picture I made in
Potoshop? Thanks in Advance for you Help in this matter.


Trevor Lawrence

scorpioman1357 said:
How do I Generate a embedded code in Frontpage for a Picture I made in
Potoshop? Thanks in Advance for you Help in this matter.

Do you want to be able to display the picture?

If so, it as simple as:
<img src="images/display/trevor.jpg"
alt="Trevor" title="Trevor" width="60" height="40" />

Some comments

src= should contain the address of the file (relative to the HTML file in
which you place this).
alt= and title = are a good idea. They display the text if the file can't be
width= and height= are up to you. I set them to small values because in this
example it was a thumbnail sized image.

If you want something else, please reply

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