how do i get a "from field" as it does not appear in menu?



hi, I'd like to be able to use my duncan@domain name with email via outlook
2003. I cannot seem to find a from field from the View menu. can anybody
help? cheers


duncan said:
hi, I'd like to be able to use my duncan@domain name with email via
2003. I cannot seem to find a from field from the View menu. can anybody
help? cheers

Two ENTIRELY different issues here:
Firstly, to use your email in Outlook, you need to set up an account within
Outlook. If you go to your ISPs web site then they will very likely have
instructions on how to do that.

Secondly, what has the "from" field got to do with your email address? In
your Inbox the "From" field contains the name of the sender and in your sent
Items folder, there is no need of a "from" field because YOU are the "from"!
What exactly do you mean by "How can I get a from field"?

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook

You get fields from the Field Chooser. Not the View window. Turn on the
Advanced Toolbar and use the Field Chooser if you want more Fields to show
(in any table view).


Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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