How do I get a GIF banner to work in a signature?



I want to use my websites GIF (Animated) banner in my signature for outgoing
messages but they won't work, how do I get the animations to work?

Synapse Syndrome

BusyMummaof3 said:
I want to use my websites GIF (Animated) banner in my signature for
messages but they won't work, how do I get the animations to work?

I think you have to use HTML formatting.

Search for a guy called mikeyhsd in

He has a scrolling sig banner in his posts.


Synapse Syndrome

Synapse Syndrome said:
I think you have to use HTML formatting.

Search for a guy called mikeyhsd in

He has a scrolling sig banner in his posts.

Actually, I looked at the source of his post and it seems to have been done
in HTML itself, and not by using an animated GIF.

I suggest you look into the source for any HTML promotional email/spam you
get that has animated graphics, and see how they did it. I suspect they
will be formatted with HTML like a webpage and the graphic will be based on
a webserver, rather than embedded in the email.


Brian Tillman

BusyMummaof3 said:
I want to use my websites GIF (Animated) banner in my signature for
outgoing messages but they won't work, how do I get the animations to

Animated gifs work fine. The limitation is that the sender won't see the
animation, only the recipient.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Except if the recipient is using Outlook 2007, which doesn't support GIF animations.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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