How do I get a line break when using a formula to combine cells



I want to combine names and addresses into single cells, but I want a line
break so that the name is on one line and the address on the next line within
a cell. When manually entering data to a cell ALT,ENTER gives line break. I
want the formula to give the same effect as ALT,ENTER.
I'm using Excel2003.
Thanks if you can help!!

Gary''s Student

Be sure to format to allow line-wraping, then use:

=A1 & CHAR(10) & B1

in place of

=A1 & B1


Great! Thanks for the help.
However, can you help with a follow-on question? Where do I go to review
what each CHAR value is and the functional effect that it has in a formula.
In other words, how can I work out that CHAR(10) has the same effect as
ALT,ENTER in a cell?


Thanks David. The two links provided further insight into the CHAR function.
However, I am still interested to know where it is documented that CHAR(10)
has the effect of a line break within a cell when used in a function. I have
played around with all the CHAR values from 1 to 255 and have not detected
any other 'hidden' functions like CHAR(10). Does anyone know if there are
other CHAR values that control formating within a cell or have some other
function other than to display a character?



THis link is a list of ASCII codes. 10 is a line feed, 13 is a carriage
return, 8 is a backspace. These are non-printing codes that I don't know
anything about, exc. the 10 and 13. They are used to control printers and
other devices. (we use 65 thru 122 all the time when we create text)


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