In my Access database I have a birthday field named DOB which is formatted as
mm/dd/yyyy (i.e. 01/05/2005. I created a query to separate the birthdays
stored into the month, day, and year using the following expression for the
month section - Expr1: Month([DOB]) so I could sort and prinout the birthdays
by month on a report. My question is this... How do I get the actual name
of the month to show up on the report instead of the number? (I want January
or JAN instead of 1 to print on the report.) I have tried everything
including variations with the MonthName function and can't get it to work.
Any solutions out there?
mm/dd/yyyy (i.e. 01/05/2005. I created a query to separate the birthdays
stored into the month, day, and year using the following expression for the
month section - Expr1: Month([DOB]) so I could sort and prinout the birthdays
by month on a report. My question is this... How do I get the actual name
of the month to show up on the report instead of the number? (I want January
or JAN instead of 1 to print on the report.) I have tried everything
including variations with the MonthName function and can't get it to work.
Any solutions out there?