how do i get an asterisk for 1st footnote and numbers after that?



In a scholarly article the authors name is footnoted with an asterisk and
footnote gives a brief bio of the author. The next footnote starts with
number 1 and is consecutive after that. How do I get that 1st footnote to be
an asterisk and the next and subsequent ones to be numbers?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I have found two ways to do this. Neither is a very satisfactory workaround,
and both have drawbacks.

Method 1 will work only if your document does not require any section breaks
(that is, it's all in one section to begin with):

1. Insert your first footnote, selecting the *, †, ‡ series of marks.

2. Insert a Continuous section break somewhere between that footnote and the

3. When you insert the next footnote, change to the 1, 2, 3 numbering.
Choose "This section" under "Apply to" and "Restart each section" under

Method 2 will work only if you have a numbered footnote on the same page
with the author-name asterisked footnote:

1. Type an asterisk manually after the author's name.

2. Insert Footnote 1 normally.

3. Move the insertion point to the beginning of Footnote 1 (before the
reference number) and press Enter.

4. In the new paragraph, type an asterisk and your author note. Note that
this will be part of Footnote 1 and will move with it, which is why you must
have Footnote 1 on the same page.


THANKS, that was awesome. Method 1 worked for me. I really appreciate your


Cheat. Insert the asterisk manually and use a textbox for the asterisked
info. Switch off the textbox border, anchor it to the author's name, and
position it absolutely at the foot of the page, above the real footnotes.

Daiya Mitchell

Just by the way--in MacWord 2004, this seems to work for me:

Insert the first footnote as a Custom Mark with an *, then insert the
regular footnotes as AutoNumber. No section break required, it appears to
allow a separate series of numbered and custom notes.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Another way that will work, confirming my long-held view that one of the
hardest things to learn about Word is how to decide among several different,
sometimes equally attractive (at least initially), ways of accomplishing the
same thing.

Daiya Mitchell

Hey Suzanne,

re the old, original post--

In MacWord 2004, I can use a custom mark to get the first asterisk, and
then switch to AutoNumber after that, starting at 1, no section breaks
required. Does that not work in WinWord?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Yes, I think we did establish that this works; I think when I posted this
old post (how old is it, anyway?) I wasn't aware of that.

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