Bobby said:
I want to get a report that looks like the following:
Name Month Month Month Month
Jeff 160hrs 160hrs 160hrs 160hrs
Susie 160hrs 160hrs 160hrs 160hrs
Bob 80hrs 80hrs 80hrs 80hrs
I am wondering if I still sue the TimescaleData method and how I change it
to pull back the information
Boy, everybody needs a lawyer these days because our society is so
litigation crazy. My guess is the court will throw out your suit but if
you really want to waste taxpayer money then go ahead (sigh).
Now that I've pointed out your failure to proofread, let me answer your
question. Why not simply use (or perhaps sue) the Task or Resource Usage
view? Either one will provide assigned work by resource by month (or
other time period). If for some reason you need to create a report with
VBA, then yes, the TimescaleData Method is the approach to take.
I don't know what you mean when you say, ". . . change it to pull back
the information". The example you show looks like straight resource
usage information - unrelated to the assignment. That would suggest
using "pjResourceTimescaleData" with "pjResourceTimescaledWork" as the
data type. However without a more definitive example and a little more
information, it is difficult to provide a more specific answer.