How do I get date/time to wrap (format - wrap text doesn't work)?



I have cells in the format of date and time with 2 spaces between the date
and time. I want to wrap them so that the date is on top, and time on
bottom, but they will not wrap. The only thing I can do is individually
enter "alt+enter" for each cell. Any suggestions?

Tom Hutchins

You could use a formula like
in another cell. You have to format the cell to allow text wrapping, or the
line feed character appears as a little square box. Then hide your original
cells, or copy & paste the wrapped cells as values over the original cells.

Hope this helps,


Dave Peterson

This may work for you. But you'll have to manually adjust the
rowheight--autofit won't work.

You could give the cell a custom format of:

Don't actually type ^j, hit and hold the control key while you strike the j key.
(ctrl-j is the same as alt-0010 (the linefeed character).)

Then Format|Cells|Alignment tab
Turn off Wrap Text (if it's checked)
Check Shrink to fit
Turn on Wrap Text
(maybe even center the horizontal positioning)

Adjust the rowheight manually.

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