I have a table t containing results from sailing competitions (20k+
records) with the fields
t.ID t.BoatID t.RaceDate t.Result (one record per boat per race)
t.RaceDate has the date format dd.mm.yyyy, the earliest being around
year 1880
the JET engine expects dates to be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. When
querying for the first and last date a boat has competed, the result is
often wrong.
What is the best solution to this problem? I've tried
Format(t.RaceDate,"mm.dd.yyyy"), but this only seems to format the date
AFTER the query has been executed.
records) with the fields
t.ID t.BoatID t.RaceDate t.Result (one record per boat per race)
t.RaceDate has the date format dd.mm.yyyy, the earliest being around
year 1880
http://groups.google.no/group/microsoft.public.access.queries/msg/6297ede6849e150d),From what I'm read (i.e
the JET engine expects dates to be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. When
querying for the first and last date a boat has competed, the result is
often wrong.
What is the best solution to this problem? I've tried
Format(t.RaceDate,"mm.dd.yyyy"), but this only seems to format the date
AFTER the query has been executed.