How do I get my OneNote menu back in Outlook (PowerToy)


Dana Heger

I installed the PowerToy and have used it successfully for months. Now, the
OneNote drop-down menu has disappeared from my Outlook Standard toolbar. I've
tried reinstalling the PowerToy multiple times to no avail. Any ideas?

Chris H.

In Outlook, look until Tools/Customize.../Toolbars. Is the PowerToy showing
as selected there? If it is, remove the check mark from the box, shut down
Outlook completely, and then restart it. Go back in and then put the check
mark in the box again and restart Outlook again. Maybe it needs some
encouragement to show. :cool:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Dana Heger

Thanks, but...

Unfortunately, I've already tried that. I believe it is part of the Standard
Toolbar anyway - but can't verify obviously now. I've scoured the toolbar
customization dialog and can't find anything remotely related to OneNote. Any
other recommendations?

Chris H.

Recommendations? Other than to say I found that particular PowerToy pretty
flakey? :cool: When I was using it, there were perhaps five different
attempts to open Outlook 2003 and it finally showed up. I knew the install
was good, but it kept balking. Perhaps someone else has a suggestion. I
uninstalled it.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Andy Y. Lin

I have 100% success when I make sure I open OneNote before starting
Outlook. The menu shows up every time if I do that. In case you open
Outlook before OneNote and you're missing the menu, quit Outlook, open
up Task Manager and make sure Outlook.exe is killed, then start OneNote
and Outlook, in that order.

Works like a charm everytime.


Dana Heger

Hi Andy,

This was a great suggestions, but it didn't work either. Any other
suggestions are welcome. I have been very dependent on this tool! I may try
reinstalling Outlook and seeing if that will help.


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