How Do I Get Out Of "DATA" ~ "CREATE LIST"?



I was looking at a demo in excel and tried it out for myself. Problem is the
demo didn't tell us what to do when we're finished and want to go back to the
worksheet as was. (Demo: Instant Payroll Totals For Quarterly Reporting).

I clicked on DATA then, CREATE LIST and now have all these drop downs on a
range of columns. I just want to get back to my worksheet. I'm afraid to do
anything drastic.
Gatsby (Not The Great)


You can probably just hit the [Cancel] button and get out of there.

Or you can probably just close the darned thing and say "NO" when asked if
you wish to save changes. Then reopen it in its initial state.

Dave Peterson

You could try:

Select a cell in that List
Data|List|Convert to Range

You may have to remove the header if excel added one for you.

Gord Dibben


Select "List" dropdown and "Convert to Range"

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thank's Gord. I tried that and it worked. I'll be careful in future to use a
'dummy' sheet when practising what Im trying to learn from Microsoft. Can't
understand why on that demo they didn't finiit off by saying, "to return to
original worksheet, do this." Anyway, thank's again.

Gatsby (Not The Great)


Thank's for replying.
Gatsby (Not The Great)

JLatham said:
You can probably just hit the [Cancel] button and get out of there.

Or you can probably just close the darned thing and say "NO" when asked if
you wish to save changes. Then reopen it in its initial state.

Gatsby said:
I was looking at a demo in excel and tried it out for myself. Problem is the
demo didn't tell us what to do when we're finished and want to go back to the
worksheet as was. (Demo: Instant Payroll Totals For Quarterly Reporting).

I clicked on DATA then, CREATE LIST and now have all these drop downs on a
range of columns. I just want to get back to my worksheet. I'm afraid to do
anything drastic.
Gatsby (Not The Great)

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