Publisher 2003, when it is set at the default settings will produce an
index.htm file and an index_files folder when you Publish to the Web. The
index.htm file is your home page, and the index_files folder contains all
the other pages and all the supporting pictures and graphics. It sounds like
you did not upload the index_files folder, and that is why you can't see the
other pages.
Read the articles about uploading here:
and pay attention to the discussion of how to prepare your Pub doc before
you Publish to the Web.
If you are using a form on your site, then also reference: Publisher web
publication forms 101:
And though you are using Pub 2003, read this article too: Prepare, publish,
and maintain your Publisher Web site:
It is written for Pub 2007, but if you are using IE7 instead of IE6, then
the directions for using Vista would apply. FTP uploading has changed with
the introduction of IE7.
And if none of this helps, then post back and give us a link to your
website...the we can take a look and see what else the problem
might be.