There may be other possibilities, but you'd be well-advised to post your
question in the PowerPoint group - just mention that you've posted here as
As to #1, the best way I know of that _may_ give you what you want is if you
have Adobe Acrobat (or comparable). You can generate Handouts - 6 per Page
from PPt as PDFs, then insert the PDFs into your doc as objects (Insert>
Object> Create from File). However, you'll need to either print each set of
six slides as a separate PDF or use Acrobat to split the file up into one
page PDFs - otherwise the entire PDF of however many slides will be
inserted, but only the first 6 (first "page" of the PDF) will display in
Alternatively you could display the slides in Print Preview as though you
were printing the handouts & use a screen capture program to copy the
displayed content & paste into Word (or save as images to be inserted).
Least desirable would be to use the Send To: Word feature, then clear/delete
the extra columns generated in the Word table & rearrange the slides.
As far as #2, it depends on how the PPt files get into the Word doc. Based
on the first suggestion above, no. However, if the PPt, itself, is inserted
into the doc you can right-click it & choose Presentation Object> Open, then
Save As a separate PPt file (or whatever). Note: If you've used PPt's Send
To: Word feature that doesn't work, but you can still right-click each slide
object in the doc & use the same procedure described for Presentation Object
to save each slide - one at a time - as a separate PPt file, then combine
the file. Someone may be able to offer a macro to automate the process, but
I wouldn't be he