How do I get programatically to the dimension member key column?


Teo Lachev

1. How do I get programmatically in OWC11 PivotTable to the member key
column which I have defined in the Analysis Services for a dimension. For
example, an Employee dimension may have a member key column set to the
Employee ID, while its member name column may be the Employee Name. I would
like to get to the Employee ID column in my pivot table.

2. How do I get programatically to the custom-defined member properties, e.g
Employee Title, Birth Date, etc?

Thanks in advance.


I haven't been reading from this forum for a bit, but this might be
what you're looking for. I have a pivot table (pt) where I wish to
record the full unique name of the item upon which the user double
clicks for use as a cookie value for another page.

var eacpartvalue = pt.Selection.Item(0).Cell.RowMember.UniqueName;

Selection refers to the area that was double clicked.
Item(0) refers to the first (and only in this case) item in the
Cell returns the cell object that is the Selection.
RowMember gives the leftmost column that is associated with that row.
UniqueName gives the full "drilled down" name for the item that the
user has double clicked on.

Hope this helps!
RayTheOtherRay <><

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