I'm writing a macro that will allow users to input data and eventually the
macro will generate a radar graph. Different users will have a different
number of data points for the radar graph based on their input. When I setup
a radar graph to chart data from a certain range, I want the graph to only
plot cells with actual numbers in them and ignore empty cells. The options
under 'Tools->options->charts->plot empty cells as' has not been able to
solve the problem. Thanks for the help.
macro will generate a radar graph. Different users will have a different
number of data points for the radar graph based on their input. When I setup
a radar graph to chart data from a certain range, I want the graph to only
plot cells with actual numbers in them and ignore empty cells. The options
under 'Tools->options->charts->plot empty cells as' has not been able to
solve the problem. Thanks for the help.