How do I get rid of a page number on a Save As\ Text Only doc?


Mike Whitehurst

Help, I'm getting a single page number at the bottom of an ASCII text file
created in Word2k.
The document is saved as a regular doc and a copy is saved as plain text.
The *.DOC has no page numbers in it, but when I SaveAs Text Only I get a
single page number at the bottom left. I know this is a page number because
I changed the number to roman numeral under Insert\PageNumbers and it did
change the number type. Another strange thing is when I did that I started
getting 2 page numbers. I and I under each other.
I blew away the and the data key. Recreated the, but I
still get the same thing. I've checked everywhere I can find for page number
settings and find nothing. I checked hidden text, field codes and headers
and footers. No sign of any page number token.
Remember it doesn't show up in the Word2k .DOC copy just the ASCII text

Thanks, Mike

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Mike,

I'm inclined to believe it's still in the *.doc file, but perhaps pushed off
the visible portion of the page. When you say it shows up in the text file, I
take it, from your description, that this is before you've actually closed the
file - just viewing it in Word? (Because otherwise there's no possible way the
numbers could be one over the other.)

Page numbers inserted over the dialog box you mention are placed in FRAMES, so
they can be moved around the page. Assuming your document doesn't use frames
for anything else, see if this little macro helps:

Sub MoveFrames()
Dim fram as Word.Frame

For each fram in ActiveDocument.Frames
End Sub
I'm getting a single page number at the bottom of an ASCII text file
created in Word2k.
The document is saved as a regular doc and a copy is saved as plain text.
The *.DOC has no page numbers in it, but when I SaveAs Text Only I get a
single page number at the bottom left. I know this is a page number because
I changed the number to roman numeral under Insert\PageNumbers and it did
change the number type. Another strange thing is when I did that I started
getting 2 page numbers. I and I under each other.
I blew away the and the data key. Recreated the, but I
still get the same thing. I've checked everywhere I can find for page number
settings and find nothing. I checked hidden text, field codes and headers
and footers. No sign of any page number token.
Remember it doesn't show up in the Word2k .DOC copy just the ASCII text

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Mike Whitehurst

Thanks Cindy,
I looked for frames and didn't find any.
I did finally find it though. It was the Page Setup\Layout\Different First
Page was checked and since these little notes were never longer than one
page it couldn't be seen on the regular DOC and showed up on the ASCII copy.
I opened the template. Added a page break in the first page and the showed
Header and Footer. Voila there was a page token in the footer of the second
page. Deleted it and the page break, then saved the template and the numbers
disappeared on the ASCII copy.

Live and learn, I looked everywhere for 3 weeks for this little bugger.

Thanks, Mike

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