How do I get rid of Asian Typography in Word?

  • Thread starter Andy at Trinity
  • Start date

Andy at Trinity

Some time past my copy of Word decided it would add Asian Typography options
in Format/Paragraph and various Asian-related add-ons in the Tools/Options
tabs, and now even my Normal Font shows up as (Asian) Times Roman... etc.

How do I get rid of this stuff - I neither need, nor want it?

Tony Jollans

From the Start Menu, select All Programs, then Microsoft Office > Microsoft
Office Tools > Microsoft Office Language Settings.

Then remove the languages you don't want support for.

Andy at Trinity

Thanks for this. The KB article was very interesting, as the crop marks did,
indeed, turn up at the same time that all the Asian stuff turned up.

I followed the instructions in the KB (and as noted by Tony in his post) and
my Office Language list is just English UK (which I can't delete - it's
greyed out) and English US. However, Word still has the crop marks at the
corner of each page, and insists on keeping all the Asian notation, options,

Under Tools/Language, this 'feature' also added the Japanese Consistency
Checker; under Tools/Options there are "Japanese Find" and "Asian Typography"
options, as well as the points I noted below.

Any other ideas on how to fix this (is it possible that the language
selection under Start/Programs/Office/etc. isn't correctly kicking all the
office apps to remove the Asian stuff?)



Click on Start | Control Panel | Regional & Language

On the Regional Options tab, select English UK under "Standards
and formats", and select UK under "Location".

On the Languages tab, click on Details | Settings tab | Default
input language: English UK | OK, and uncheck the "Install files
for complex script and right-to-left languages" and "Install
files for East Asian languages" boxes | Apply | OK.

Andy at Trinity

Thanks for your persistence. However, having done all below, rebooted the PC,
and subsequently also used the Add/Remove Program feature for Microsoft Word,
to remove all International support (under Office Shared Features - I've X'd
every one of the options from Armenian down to Simplified Chinese), I *still*
have the corner cross hairs, Asian Typography, etc. I tried killing my file to get that regenerated from defaults, but that made no

I'm sure that this should be simple - but is there some combination of
Office XP / 2003 / Project / IE / etc. that means these sort of configuration
items don't get propagated correctly?

Fingers crossed that you (or someone else out there) has some idea of how to
fix this!)


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Language formatting can be very persistent and can ride in on external
documents. Have you opened explicitly and changed its default

Andy at Trinity

Hi Suzanne,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you - I've only just had a chance to
go through various trials of this...
1. I have renamed to force Word to create a new one... it retains
the Asian typography, etc.
2. I have opened, forced it to select English (UK) as the default
language, stored it, but Word retains the Asian typography, etc.
3. As I have several user accounts on my machine, I have renamed every file on it... Word creates a new one in the place I expected (for
1 & 2 above) and retains the Asian typography.
4. I have ensured every Office application is closed, re-checked and
re-applied the English (UK) language setting through Control Panel / Regional
settings, through MS Office / Language selection app, then re-tried the stuff again...

Still got Asian typography settings. I can open the latest created after all the above (in TextPad) and clearly see that "MS Mincho"
is listed near the start of the file.

Is there anything in the registry that might be magically retaining this
Asian settings?

Yours in despair...


Suzanne S. Barnhill

At this point I'm not clear whether you've also disabled all Asian languages
through Start | Programs | Microsoft Office | Microsoft Office Tools |
Microsoft Office 2003 Language Settings?

Andy at Trinity

Hi Suzanne,

The only language enabled through Microsoft Office 2003 Language Settings is
English (UK). Same under Control Panel / Regional Settings.

I've covered every setting mentioned in preceding posts and none of them
make any difference. I wouldn't mind so much if it didn't swamp my style
descriptions in Word with all the unnecessary "Asian font" stuff, but I think
a full re-install is coming on, unless anyone out there has any idea how to
fix this...

A simple "Asian stuff on/off" button somewhere would be nice. Any feature in
Word that adds 5+ menu items and config tabs and affects all styles,
languages, etc. across Word really ought to be better controlled, in my


Andy at Trinity


Forgot to add...

Other posters seem to have the same problem, get pointed at the KB article
about marks in the page corners, and then never post again, so I'm presuming
that the solution fixes it for them. It might imply there's something screwy
about my version of Word?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

You might try posting in the
NG. I doubt seriously that there is something screwy about your copy of
Word, but I confess I can't find anything at all about disabling Asian
typography in the KB (lots about how to use it). I tried searching Google
Groups and found a reply from someone several years ago as follows:

You can go to Office -> Microsoft Office Tools -> Microsoft Office Language
Setting -> Remove East Asian and Complex Script Languages. If Office
Language Setting does not detect these international languages, it will not
show those international font options.

I can't find any indication that there is any other solution to this
problem. Sorry.

Andy at Trinity

Hi Suzanne,

Great news! Looks like Microsoft Office finally woke up and realised I
didn't want the Asian typography. I was editing a document today, suddenly
noticed it wasn't showing me the Asian stuff when I modified a style...
bingo, all the extra Asian options have gone. The only thing that I can think
that's prompted Office to finally accept the settings correctly (not having
changed anything else since yesterday) is that today I installed an update
for Visio 2002, which included restarting the machine. I'm presuming the
install and restart somehow cleared something in Office's settings. So, many
thanks for your help - I'm back with nice plain English options now. :)


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