How do I get rid of highlighting of text in MS Word 2003?



I cannot get rid of the highlighting on text in mS word 2003. I ahve
followed the instructions. It won't go. Is tehre a known issue here?


Perhaps it's not highlighting, but character shading. Try using Format >
Borders and Shading.


Thanks Jezebel,

I have also tried this and while it removed som of the highlighitng, one
section remains stubbornly resistant to removal. It does not seem to respnd
to any of teh usual moves.


There's highlighting, there's character shading, and - if the text is in a
cell, frame, or textbox - there's the shading applied to the container. Or
you might have a shaded rectangle positioned under the text.

If all else fails, select the shaded stuff, cut, and pastespecial as
unformatted text.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Another possibility is some sort of markup, such as the highlighting for a

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

And it could be a Field and the Always show Field Shading is set under Tools
Options View.

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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