how do i get rid of mdi and get my tif files back


David W. Kelley

All of my folders full of tif files, created and saved as such using
Photoshop, are now listed as "Microsoft Office Imaging Documents" with the
mdi icon.
This happened without my knowledge or consent...just like Microsoft!!!!

Does anyone know how to get rid of this mdi thing and just get my tif files
I can still open them with Photoshop, but this is really bothersome for
files sent out.


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

uh...they're still .tif files.

message | All of my folders full of tif files, created and saved as such using
| Photoshop, are now listed as "Microsoft Office Imaging Documents" with the
| mdi icon.
| This happened without my knowledge or consent...just like Microsoft!!!!
| Does anyone know how to get rid of this mdi thing and just get my tif
| back?
| I can still open them with Photoshop, but this is really bothersome for
| files sent out.
| Thanks.

Bob I

Since the "icons" reflect the program that was installed to create them
and Office was the LAST program YOU installed THAT CREATES them OF
COURSE was Office, they GOT the Office icon! And it is ONLY on your
SYSTEM, and has absolutely no bearing on what icon the recipient uses
for tif files . So be a big boy, change the association and stop whining
about how the real world works.

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