Hi Gary,
Now I'm confused. But still persistent! If you type equals a few times,
then hit enter, and Word converts it into a double line that covers the
width of the page, that is a Border. I don't think there's any other
possibility. That's what it sounded like you had done in your initial
message. (Although I have forgotten details about Word 98).
But now I'm not sure what you did, because you are referring to
double-lines, and solid lines. It isn't the dotted line that marks page
breaks in Normal view, I assume.
But I wonder whether you could have added a border to the Normal style.
With the cursor at the problematic line, go to Format | Style. What comes
up in the left column, and what is its definition on the right side?
If you want, you can send me a piece of the doc with the line in it, and I
will play with it. You will have to edit my email address for it to work
(remove caps).
Side note: I have to say, setting Borders to None should not lose your line
spacing, which makes me wonder what your doc formatting is like. If you are
hitting enter twice between paragraph, you should know that you can automate
extra space after each paragraph. If you are writing 52-page documents on a
regular basis, you should be using styles and templates, because using Word
is much easier when you understand how it operates. If you are not familiar
with such things and want to learn to improve your control over Word, post
back for some links.