jimbo said:
STDEV() returns 1 sigma answer which represents
68% of the data. How do I get STDEV() 2 sigma
which represents 95% of the data?
Well, 2*STDEV(...) gives you "2 sigma" [1]. But the mean
+/- 1.96*STDEV(...) represents 95% of the data, assuming
a normal distribution.
More correctly, the mean +/- TINV(1-95%,n-1)*STDEV(...)
represents 95% of the data, where "n" is the sample size.
Caveat: STDEV() is a measure of dispersion of the data. It
is used for all types of distributions, among other measures
of dispersion. But mean +/- 1.96*STDEV(...) covers 95% of
the data only if the data has a normal distribution.
[1] Technically, the term "sigma" refers to the population std
dev, which is STDEVP(). But usually we do not know have
all the data for the population; we only have sample data.
So STDEV() is the "std dev of the sample data", which is
sometimes used as to __estimate__ sigma. That is why
TINV() should be used to compute the "z-value" (actually,
the t-value), not NORMSINV(). TINV() is also easier to
use for this purpose. I use 1e8 for "n-1" to approximate
the equivalent z-value (NORMSINV()).