how do i get sum of v8(col a) and v8(col b) = v16(col c)


David Biddulph

Firstly, please ask your question in the body of the message rather than
just in the subject line.

Secondly, you'll need to explain what you mean by
v8(col a), v8(col b), and v16(col c)


Hi David, thank you for replying I have been trying to figure this formula
out for days now... I am creating a worksheet for sick and vacation
leaves.... v8 will be keyed in a column if the person is in vacation leave or
s8 for sick leave (8 for 8hours) and I need to total how many vacation hours
did the person take in one column hence, v8 + v8 = v16. And more importantly
I need to only count the v's and s's to sum up.... I am sorry if i dont make
myself clear...


David Biddulph said:
Firstly, please ask your question in the body of the message rather than
just in the subject line.

Secondly, you'll need to explain what you mean by
v8(col a), v8(col b), and v16(col c)

David Biddulph

David Biddulph

Stacy said:
Hi David, thank you for replying I have been trying to figure this formula
out for days now... I am creating a worksheet for sick and vacation
leaves.... v8 will be keyed in a column if the person is in vacation leave
s8 for sick leave (8 for 8hours) and I need to total how many vacation
did the person take in one column hence, v8 + v8 = v16. And more
I need to only count the v's and s's to sum up.... I am sorry if i dont
myself clear...



Hi David,

I tried the formula you gave me but it doesnt sum up the number of hours....
it only shows v0.... Thank you for replying


David Biddulph

If you have v8 in A1 and v8 in B1, the formula will return v16. What do you
have in A1 and in B1?


Would it help if I send you my worksheet? In a row, lets say row 5, I have
the name of the employee on col A5, v8 on col B5, s8 on C5 and v8 on D5...
will it total to v16 (vacation hours) in a different col? and total s8 (sick
hours) in a different column?


Hi David....

I do need your help, let me explain it to you better, sorry if I confused
you, I can better illustrate it:
col A col B col C Col D Col E
Col F Col G Col H
row 1 First Name Last Name v8 v8 sat sun
v8 = V24

How do I get the formula to come up with the total vacation hours on Column H?
Thanks for your help...

David Biddulph

So where you originally referred to column A and column B, you now want to
refer to columns C, D, and G?

You will therefore need to change the formula to refer to those columns.


Im sorry to sound dumb but how can i get the sum of the columns again?
indicating v or s?

T. Valko

Try this array formual** :

Assumes that every cell that contains a "V" is *always* followed by a


** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of

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