How do I get text to appear below the normal line of text.



I am making a resume and on the header I have my name on the left,
underlined, and I've tabed over to extend the underline to the right margin
and I want my address, which is in very small print, to appear under this
underline. I can't remember how I did it the first time and I don't have the
document anymore. I don't remember what the terms are for creating text that
appears below or above the normal text line.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I think what you're thinking of is superscript/subscript or raised/lowered
text, but neither is what you need here. You're going about this the wrong
way. Don't even try to use underline characters. You could use an underlined
tab or a tab with underline leader, but what you really need is a border.
This can be on a table cell or on the paragraph itself. The address goes on
the next line. It can be any size you like and placed wherever you want, but
it needs to be in a separate paragraph. You can actually apply the border to
the top of this paragraph instead of the bottom of the previous one if you
like. See

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