How do I get the backspace delete function to speed up?



I backspace and delete a lot -- whole words, whole sentences. I am a fast on
the keyboard, so removing my hand from the keyboard, highlighting with the
mouse, returning my hand to the keyboard, and then pressing delete, is much
slower for me than just doing it all via keyboard commands. Most of the time
when I hold down the backspace key, the cursor moves quickly and deletes in a
quick, steady stream, which is great. Othertimes, like today, when I hold the
backspace key down, it's very slow, deleting each character one by one, and
it is really annoying and wastes time. I have searched help to no avail as to
how to get the backspace delete key to be consistently fast. HELP!!!!

Pat Garard

G'Day Freak,

The 'speed' of the Backspace will depend on what the PC is
currently doing in the background, and what Word might be
doing in the background as you delete (re-paginating etc etc).

The only way to improve the experience may be to improve
your Keyboard Highlight skills!

Try the following exercises:
Hold down SHIFT while pressing Left Arrow (<--), then
either Backspace OR Delete to delete the selected text.

Hold down CTRL+SHIFT while pressing (<--), then
either Backspace OR Delete to delete the selected text.

If you change your mind, press (-->) to deselect and get
back to where you were.

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