I have been sent a Word produced rtf file (don't know which version of Word)
which my version of Word (2000) does not decode. Is there some other reader I
should have? The first few lines of the document are:-
Content-Type: application/rtf;
name="Itinerary - WYNNE/J .rtf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;
filename="Itinerary - WYNNE/J .rtf"
{\fonttbl{\f0\fprq2\ Arial
}{\f1\fprq2\ Times New Roman}{\f2\fprq2\ Arial}{\f3\fprq2\ Arial}{\f4\fprq2\
which my version of Word (2000) does not decode. Is there some other reader I
should have? The first few lines of the document are:-
Content-Type: application/rtf;
name="Itinerary - WYNNE/J .rtf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;
filename="Itinerary - WYNNE/J .rtf"
{\fonttbl{\f0\fprq2\ Arial
}{\f1\fprq2\ Times New Roman}{\f2\fprq2\ Arial}{\f3\fprq2\ Arial}{\f4\fprq2\