To: Pin,
I'm unsure exactly what you're asking for, but, for what it's worth, I wrote
the following function to find a template.
'* Function: FindTemplate
'* Templates are usually located in the Templates or STARTUP folders. In
'* Word, goto Tools -> Options and click on the tab "File Locations."
'* For example (on my computer they are located at):
'* C:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates
'* C:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP
'* In addition, we look in the folder of the Active Document.
Function FindTemplate(ByVal sTemplateName As String) As String
Dim sUTP As String 'UTP = User Templates Path
Dim sSUP As String 'SUP = Start Up Path
Dim sADP As String 'ADP = Active Document Path
sUTP = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdUserTemplatesPath) _
& Application.PathSeparator & sTemplateName
sSUP = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdStartupPath) _
& Application.PathSeparator & sTemplateName
sADP = ActiveDocument.Path & Application.PathSeparator _
& sTemplateName
If (Dir(sUTP) <> "") Then
FindTemplate = sUTP
ElseIf (Dir(sSUP) <> "") Then
FindTemplate = sSUP
ElseIf (Dir(sADP) <> "") Then
FindTemplate = sADP
FindTemplate = ""
End If
End Function
Steven Craig Miller