How do I give someone a report ?



I did a small database for a friend, she now wants more
reports. When I do these reports how do I give them do
her without having to send the whole database to her as
she has already done alot of data entry. The file
structure has NOT changed just new reports.

Thanks !!!!


M Skabialka

Create a new blank database giving it a new name, eg NewReports.mdb

Open this new database then:

Get External Data
Browse to your database with the new reports in it
Click on the reports tab
Select (highlight) each report she needs to receive

Send her the new database (NewReports.mdb)

She then does the same thing you did above, browsing to NewReports.mdb for
the new reports.

If you are modifying the reports she already has, she should rename the old
ones beforehand, e.g.
TotalRevenue rpt
could become
OLD TotalRevenue rpt

Otherwise the new one will be called
TotalRevenue rpt1

She can toss the OLD reports once she knows the new ones work (if these are
replacement reports)


Duane Hookom

You should consider splitting your application into a front-end and
back-end. Then all you have to do is send a replacement front-end. Another
solution is to create a new blank mdb and import your report (and any other
required objects) into the new mdb. Send the file to your friend and have
her open her mdb. Then she can select File|Get External Data|Import to find
the mdb and import your new report.

Marshall Barton

Ty said:
I did a small database for a friend, she now wants more
reports. When I do these reports how do I give them do
her without having to send the whole database to her as
she has already done alot of data entry. The file
structure has NOT changed just new reports.

You should have split the Forms/Reports/Queries/Modules from
the data into two seaparate MDB files. This allows you to
change the program entities without messing with the data.

For a lot more details, see Tony Toews page on this subject


Wouldn't it just work to print off the report and give
it to your friend. I would think that would be
suffient. Maybe I'm just understanding you wrong or
Good Luck

M Skabialka

Create a new blank database giving it a new name, eg NewReports.mdb

Open this new database then:

Get External Data
Browse to your original database with the new reports in it
Click on the reports tab
Select (highlight) each report she needs to receive

Send her the new database (NewReports.mdb)

She then does the same thing you did above, browsing to NewReports.mdb for
the new reports.

If you are modifying the reports she already has, she should rename the old
ones beforehand, e.g.
TotalRevenue rpt
could become
OLD TotalRevenue rpt

Otherwise the new one will be called
TotalRevenue rpt1

She can toss the OLD reports once she knows the new ones work (if these are
replacement reports)


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