how do I go to new record in subform and auto fill data



I have a subform in a form that is called when the user dbl clicks a record
in another form which is a query based on data entered in an unbound form.

When I step through this code, I don't get any error messages, but when I am
returned to the form I don't have an added record with the data from the
unbound form.

Any suggestions? Thanks for your help.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strOpenCondition As String

'[frm scheduling-employees] is the main form of this subform
'main form record has correctly selected the proper record to edit based
on record selected on form [frm Scheduling - Employee Available] User
selected which employee to schedule
'populate field in schedule table based on fields on form [Frm
Scheduling - check Availability]

If Not IsNull(Forms![frm Scheduling-Employees].OpenArgs) Then
strOpenCondition = Forms![frm Scheduling-Employees].OpenArgs
Select Case strOpenCondition
Case "addSCH"
RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
Me![sch start time].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check
Me![SCH End Time].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check
Me![Monday].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check
Me![Tuesday].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check
Me![Wednesday].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check
Me![Thursday].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check
Me![Friday].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check
Me![Saturday].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check
Me![Sunday].Value = Forms![Frm Scheduling - check

Me![SCH-FK Client ID].SetFocus
End Select
End If
End Sub


I found the answer. I wasn't adding data to the key that linked the two
tables. I assumed it would be added like it is when the user manually adds a
new record on the form.... But I have another problem, the focus doesn't
remain on the record in the subform, it goes back to the main form. How do I
keep the focus on the record in the subform?

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