how do I group controls in access 2007?



I have several controls on a form previously grouped in access 2003. I
am now trying to ungroup them & I see no way to perform grouping "Actions"
(If you will) in 2007. Am I missing something here? Currently, it is a
button image & a text label that was group together.

I appreciate all of your assistance.

Brendan Reynolds

At the bottom of the article at the URL below, there's a link to a
spreadsheet containing lists of Access 2003 commands and their new locations
in the Access 2007 UI.

The Group and Ungroup commands are on the 'Control Layout' 'chunk' of the
'Arrange' tab in form design view. They're a little difficult to find
because they are displayed as icons only, without labels. 'Group' is just to
the left of 'Snap to Grid' with 'Ungroup' directly below it.


Thank you very, very much. That helped a lot. I was worried they took
that out of 2007!

Have A Great Day,

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