How do I handle apostrophes in text files going into merged file?


Rick D


I am creating a catalog using as input a text file generated by a
software program I have no control over. The item description often
includes apostrophes (particularly in book or movie titles, such as
"What's Up Doc?").

Currently, my template document just stops importing the text data at
the point of the first apostrophe. Is there any search and replace
function I can use on the original text document to preserve the
apostrophes, rather than just taking them out?

Thanks in advance, Rick ([email protected])

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You can probably copy and paste the text file into a Word document and then
use Convert Text to Table (from the Tables menu) to convert it into a table
and then use that document as the data source.

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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