How do I hide 5 command buttons


Karoo News

Is there an easy way to hide / unhide 5 command buttons I have on one
worksheet named 'New Style 2006'


Leith Ross

Hello Neil,

Since you didn't say which type of Command Buttons you have Forms or
Control Toolbox type I am including macro examples for both.

Example 1 - Hide/Unhide Forms Type:
Sub HideCommandButtons()
With Worksheets("New Style 2006")
..Shapes("Button 1").Visible = False
..Shapes("Button 2").Visible = False
..Shapes("Button 3").Visible = False
..Shapes("Button 4").Visible = False
..Shapes("Button 5").Visible = False
End With
End Sub

Sub UnHideCommandButtons()
With Worksheets("New Style 2006")
..Shapes("Button 1").Visible = True
..Shapes("Button 2").Visible = True
..Shapes("Button 3").Visible = True
..Shapes("Button 4").Visible = True
..Shapes("Button 5").Visible = True
End With
End Sub

Example 2 - Hide/Unhide Controls Toolbox Type:
Sub HideCommandButtons()
Dim Button As Object
With Worksheets("New Style 2006")
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton1")
Button.Visible = False
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton2")
Button.Visible = False
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton3")
Button.Visible = False
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton4")
Button.Visible = False
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton5")
Button.Visible = False
End With
End Sub

Sub UnHideCommandButtons()
Dim Button As Object
With Worksheets("New Style 2006")
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton1")
Button.Visible = True
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton2")
Button.Visible = True
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton3")
Button.Visible = True
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton4")
Button.Visible = True
Set Button = .OLEObjects("CommandButton5")
Button.Visible = True
End With
End Sub

Remember to change the command button names to match the names on your

Leith Ross

Gary Keramidas

you could use something like this

Option Explicit
Dim i As Integer
Sub HideButtons()
Dim shp As String
With Worksheets("New Style 2006")
For i = 1 To 5
shp = "button " & i
Shapes(shp).Visible = False
End With
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

Sub ABC()
Dim Obj As OLEObject
For Each Obj In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
If TypeOf Obj.Object Is MSForms.CommandButton Then
Obj.Visible = Not Obj.Visible
End If
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

Here is the code with the New Style 2006 sheet specified.

Sub ABC()
Dim Obj As OLEObject
For Each Obj In Worksheets( _
"New Style 2006").OLEObjects
If TypeOf Obj.Object Is MSForms.CommandButton Then
Obj.Visible = Not Obj.Visible
End If
End Sub

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