How do I ignore cells with errors when calculating an average?


M Enfroy

I need to average a bunch of non-adjacent cells as follows:


My problem is that a couple of the cells display #DIV/0! As such, my
average calcuation also compes up with #DIV/0!

I would like to calculate the average but ignore any cells with the error.



Peo Sjoblom

Fix the root source, assuming they retrun error because cell in those
formulas are blan, use


since average ignores blank it will now work

you can shorten your formula to


assuming you average every other column just like in your example

it needs to be entered with ctrl + shift & enter



Peo Sjoblom

M Enfroy

What If I cannot shorten the formula as you suggested since I do not want to
include every column between B2 and AP2 in the average. I am only averaging
every other column. thx

Peo Sjoblom

The whole point was that it averages every other column as I
said " assuming you average every other column just like in your example"
I guess you didn't read that far?

Gord Dibben

That is what Peo's formula does.....averages the value from every second
column from A2 through AP2

Type it in one cell then hit CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to finish.

It will look like {=AVERAGE(IF((MOD(B2:AP2,2)=0)*(B2:AP2<>""),B2:AP2))} after
you hit CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER

Excel adds the curly brackets.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Dave Peterson

I think Peo dropped Column() from his formula.

And I read your problem slightly differently. I read it that any of B2, D2,
...., AP2 could be a div/0 error.

If you have at least one number in that range, then I think that this array
formula will work:


M Enfroy

That did it Dave. Thanks!

Dave Peterson said:
I think Peo dropped Column() from his formula.

And I read your problem slightly differently. I read it that any of B2, D2,
...., AP2 could be a div/0 error.

If you have at least one number in that range, then I think that this array
formula will work:


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