How do I import an archive .pst file into Outlook 2000?



I recently performed a system recovery on my computer. I archived my .pst
files and saved them to a CD. How do I import this archieved file into my
Outlook 2000 program? When I try to import, I am receiving the following
error message: "File access is denied. You do not have permission to access


Copy the pst file from the cd to the hard drive. You can not access the pst
directly from the disc. Right click on the pst and go to properties and make
sure the read-only is not on. The go into Outlook and go to file and open
outlook data file. Browse to the pst and enjoy!


I have the same issue as Tobolski but used a ZIP disk not a CD. I tried
copying from the ZIP to my hard drive but at the end of the copy session I
received an error message Cannot copy "file name". the parameter is
incorrect. The pst files were created from Outlook 2000 but now I have 2003
on my system. There should be backward compatibility from 03 to 00 hopefully



There is backward compatibility, but that wont help if the file on the zip
disk is corrupt


I have no reason to believe that the ZIP disk or file is corrupt. Does the
error message mean anything else??



May mean that the file name contains illegal charactors

There was also a bug fix for this error in winNT, a similar bug was apparent
within some copy/backup apps

Brian Tillman

Tobolski said:
I recently performed a system recovery on my computer. I archived my
.pst files and saved them to a CD. How do I import this archieved
file into my Outlook 2000 program? When I try to import, I am
receiving the following error message: "File access is denied. You
do not have permission to access E:/archive"

Archiving isn't backing up. For handling a PST in Outlook, import is never
the best option.

Copy the PST to your hard drive, remove the read-only attribute, and open in
Outlook with File>Open>Personal Folders File.

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