How do I import customer data from word (i.e. table format)?



I've been given about 30 word files each of which contains several hundreds
of customer records. In effect, these records are to be stored in an Access
database so that the info can be queried.

The customer data info in word is in a table format with both relevant and
irrelevant info. For example, relevant info includes: Customer Name, Address,
& Telephone number but they have not been categorized in the table.

1- How can I import the relevant data from a table in word into Access?
2- What's the best way to ignore irrelevant data and/or empty cells within
the table?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

n.b. I'm currently using M/S Office Pro 2003

Thank you!

Jeff Boyce


How is relevancy determined? Is there a way to tell without looking at the

One approach might be to import your Word data into a "transfer" Access
table (you are only going to use this to hold the data from Word, before
transferring it to its permanent "home"). You would then create queries to
append the "relevant" data from the transfer/import table to your permanent
tables. You would only need to include the fields you consider relevant.

Or have I misunderstood what you are trying to do?


I like the idea being proposed since it allows me to avoid manually entry of
all info which is what I feared initially. I must confess I'm just getting
acquainted with Access on my own. So, any other direction you can provide me
in importing data into a "transfer table" would be greatly appreciated,,..

Regarding your question on RELEVANCY, allow me to provide you an example of
a customer record which would appear in a table format in word,,...

Acme Flooring Inc

300 Dream Rd Blvd
Montreal, Quebec
H7K 3H5

Active url reference icons
For more info

In short, the relevant data would include the NAME of the company cell in
the table + the ADDRESS cell + the TELEPHONE cell. The irrelvant data would
include the "url references" and "For more info"

I must admit I wasn't expecting feedback and just thought I would try my
luck,,... Appreciate the attention to the request to help me out,,...


Jeff Boyce


Access has features to help you import data, creating a table in the
process. Import a Word table/document into Access. My use of the term
"transfer table" was more pointed at the use you would make of it, rather
than any particular type of table Access has.

Good luck!

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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