How do I import email from my account into Excel?



Hi Josh

Does the email have an excel workbook attached if so this workbook can be
saved on your harddisk and opened via excel (the actual method of doing this
depends on your email program).

However, if it is the body of the email that you want in excel, i would
recommend clicking in the email and useing CTRL & A to select the email (or
use the mouse to highlight the bit you want), then CTRL & C to copy it, then
in a new excel workbook, use CTRL & V to paste the data. Depending then on
how the data pasted in, you might need to use Data / Text to Columns feature
to split it up to different columns.

Hope this helps.

julied_ng at hctsReMoVeThIs dot net dot au


Thanks JulieD,

To be more specific, my email is through Comcast cable and I dont know if it
has a excel workbook attached. What I am trying to do is import a whole
(about 40+)bunch of saved emails with information I need to organize in excel.

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